The Hittite Kings

In some of the historic sources it's said that Hattusili I was the founder of the Hittite Kingdom. But according to the Telipinu decree, king Labarna captured various parts of Anatolia way before Hattusili I. In early-Hittite period there wasn't a strong state rule. During this period, there were also the Hattis and the Luwis were ruling state-cities besides the Hittites.

After the first capitals Kusshara and Nesha, Hattusha (Bogazkoy) became the capital of the Hittites during the reign of Hattusili I in the 17th century BC where he built a huge palace. The Hittite kings ruled Asia Minor for about 5 centuries and worshiped hundreds of deities. Dates in the below table are approximate and are related to the "middle chronology".

Pithana?early 18th c. BC
Anittason of Pithanamid 18th c. BC
Labarnafirst known Hittite king1680-1650 BC
Hattusili Inephew/adopted son of Labarna1650-1620 BC
Mursili Igrandson/adopted son of Hattusili I1620-1590 BC
Hantiliassassin and brother-in-law of Mursili I1590-1560 BC
Zidanta Ison-in-law of Hantili1560-1550 BC
Ammunason of Hantili1550-1530 BC
Huzziya Ison of Ammuna?1530-1525 BC
Telipinuson of Zidanta I?/brother-in-law of Ammuna1525-1500 BC
Alluwamnason-in-law of Huzziya I?
Hantili IIson of Alluwamna1500-1450 BC
Zidanta II??
Huzziya II??
Muwatalli Iassansin of Huzziya II?
Tudhaliya IIson of Huzziya II?1450-1420 BC
Arnuwanda Ison-in-law of Tudhaliya II1420-1400 BC
Tudhaliya IIIson of Arnuwanda I1400-1380 BC
Tudhaliyason of Tudhaliya III1380? BC
Hattusili II??
Suppiluliuma Ison of Tudhaliya III or Hattusili II1380-1340 BC
Arnuwanda IIson of Suppiluliuma I1340-1339 BC
Mursili IIson of Suppiluliuma I1339-1306 BC
Muwatalli IIson of Mursili II1306-1282 BC
Mursili IIIson of Muwatalli II1282-1275 BC
Hattusili IIIson of Mursili II1275-1250 BC
Tudhaliya IVson of Hattusili III1250-1220 BC
Karuntason of Muwatalli/cousin of Tudhaliya IV?
Arnuwanda IIIson of Tudhaliya IV1220-1215 BC
Suppiluliuma IIson of Tudhaliya IV1215-1200 BC